Building Requirements

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Crystal Pond is private community of single-family homes on 2+ acre lots with minimum home square footage of 1,500 sf.

Within the Crystal Pond Homeowners Association there exists a Architectural Review  Committee whose purpose is to approve and monitor construction within the confines of  Crystal Pond . Their mission is to assure that construction meets the Covenant requirements and preserves the quality of life by:

  • Preserving the rustic and aesthetic nature of the community
  • Maintaining privacy and tranquility
  • Considering the health and safety of the community

There are very specific requirements that must be followed regarding the construction of or addition to a structure within the confines of Crystal Pond. NO WORK MAY BE COMMENCED AND NO VEGETATION MAY BE CUT UNTIL the ARCHITECTUAL REVIEW COMMITTEE APPROVAL IS OBTAINED. These requirements include, but are not limited to the time of year construction may be commenced, the size of the structure, the placement of the structure upon the lot, etc. Additionally, plans for the structure must be submitted to the Crystal Pond Homeowners Association Architectural Review Committee for approval. THIS DOES NOT PRECLUDE ANY APPROVALS REQUIRED BY THE TOWN OF BECKET. (It should be noted that plans approved by Crystal Pond Homeowners are NOT necessarily approved by the Town of Becket and vice versa. In some respects the Covenants, Bylaws and Rules requirements of the Crystal Pond Homeowners Association may be more demanding and restrictive than Becket or State requirements).

The lot owner should read the Covenants and Restrictions ARTICLE III (“Buildings”), and ARTICLE IX (“Maintenance”).

The lot owner must provide to the Crystal Pond Homeowners Association Architectural Review Committee:

  • Plans showing the dimensions of the structure and its location on the lot;
  • Plans showing the location of the septic system and that a successful percolation test has been performed;
  • Plans that are changed must be provided before that new work is started.
  • A signed Crystal Pond Homeowners Association “Architectural Review Committee Construction Checklist”;
  • A signed Crystal Pond Homeowners Association “Construction Deposit Agreement”;
  • A refundable construction deposit – the lesser of 3% of the builders asking price or $5,000. The money is used to insure compliance, and remedy any violations/damage that is not properly addressed by the lot/homeowner;
  • A $500 non refundable fee that will be used to pay an independent agent to oversee compliance with a checklist that has been provided to the lot/homeowner;
The Crystal Pond Homeowners Association Architectural Review Committee will:
  • Provide the “Architectural Review Committee Construction Checklist”
  • Oversee each project from approval of plans through the completion;

Provide the independent agent who will oversee the entire construction project and will provide input to the committee as to the successful completion of a construction phase prior to the next phase beginning.


To protect Crystal Pond roads, March 1 to May 15th is designated “Mud Season”.

Construction or excavation is prohibited during the above period without the written consent of the Board of Directors.

No heavy trucks or equipment may use Crystal Pond roads for purposes of construction, excavation or repair. This includes, but is not limited to: well drilling equipment, cement trucks and the delivery of building materials, during the above period without prior written approval of the Board of Directors. This prohibition does not apply to emergency vehicles, fuel delivery, garbage pick-up or such circumstances as may be permitted by the Board of Directors acting on specific requests.

Should weather conditions warrant, the dates of the “Mud Season” may be altered by the Board of Directors.