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At a regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Directors of Crystal Pond Homeowner’s Association, during which a quorum was present and voting throughout, the following resolutions were discussed and unanimously approved and adopted:
Establishing the following Rules and Regulations of Crystal Pond Homeowner’s Association:
- No construction on any of the Lots in Crystal Pond will be allowed to commence on or after March 1, 2005 unless the Lot Owner submits to the Board simultaneously with the Lot Owner’s proposed building plans and specifications, a $5,000.00 cash bond in acceptable form to the Board of Directors, with bond shall be used by the Board to repair any damage to the roads, lots or common land caused by or incurred as a result of said Lot construction or by any party performing construction or other services on that Lot. The $5,000.00 cash bond shall not be construed to limit the personal liability of the Lot Owner to reimburse the Association for any such damage or injury in excess of $5,000.00. If the Board of Directors determines that any such damage or injury has occurred, the Directors may immediately use all or part of the said $5,000.00 cash bond as the case may be to repair the damage. In the event the Board of Directors determines after construction has been completed and a Certificate of Occupancy (CO) is issued, that no damage or injury has been caused or was incurred as aforesaid, said $5,000.00 cash bond shall be returned without interest to the Lot Owner. Notice of the Rules and Regulation shall be given to all Lot Owners.
- No track vehicles of any kind, or any similar vehicles including but not limited to bulldozers, shall be allowed on the roads or other property including the Common Land and Lots, within Crystal Pond, at any time for any purpose. If any builder, contractor or other person who is performing or anticipates performing services of any kind within Crystal Pond violates this Rule and Regulation, said builder, contractor, or other person shall be prohibited from performing any such services with Crystal Pond. Notice of this rule and Regulation shall be given to all Lot Owners and to all such known or proposed builders and contractors.
- It is required by the Board of Directors and Architectural Review Committee, culverts at individual lots must be installed at driveway entrances, and be no less than 15” in diameter. This is to insure that there is proper drainage of surface water along the road network.
- No building, evacuation, alteration or change may commence on any Lot unless the plans and specifications showing floor plans, color scheme, shape, height, size (no less than 1500 square feet above ground level), location on lot, location of septic and well designs, perc tests, and grading plans, have been submitted to the Architectural Review Committee in writing for review. The committee shall have the right to refuse or approve any such plans, specifications or grading plan, which are not suitable or desirable in their opinion for aesthetic or other reasons within 30 days of submission of all relevant documents.
- The covenants applicable to property at Crystal Pond specifically prohibit the erection of building or structure nearer than 30 feet from any street line or Lot line. It has been resolved by the Board of Directors of Crystal Pond that no clear cutting can be done on any Lot within 100 feet of the Lake.
- Use of exterior lighting should be kept to a minimum, and in all instances, be so directed not to impinge upon the privacy of other homeowners.
- No improvement shall be placed upon any part of the Common Land of the Association without the prior written approval of the Board of Directors. All improvements allowed to be placed on the Common Land shall be available for use by all members of the Association.
- Any alterations to the Common Land including but not limited to cutting, clearing, digging or removal of vegetation of any kind are prohibited without the prior written approval of the Board of Directors.
- Litter on the Common Land is prohibited and anyone using the Common Land must restore the condition of same to its natural state after each use.
- Fishing from Common Land typically used for swimming including beaches while others wish to swim in the same area is prohibited.
- No fires, Barbeques or similar devices shall be used on the Common Land without prior approval of the Board of Directors.
- Use of the Common Land is limited to Lot Owners and to guests and tenants of Lot Owners consistent with the By-Laws.
- The Lake constitutes community property and no docks may be built into the Lake without Board approval. No floating rafts will be allowed in the Lake.
It has been resolved by the Board of Directors of Crystal Pond that the use of chemical fertilizers and the use of detergents containing phosphates is prohibited at Crystal Pond. There are products available on the market that do not contain phosphates.
These rules and Regulations are an extension of the By-Laws and Covenants of Crystal Pond Homeowner’s Association.
At a regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Directors of Crystal Pond Homeowner’s Association, during which a quorum was present and voting throughout, the following resolutions were discussed and unanimously approved and adopted: Establishing the following Rules and Regulations of Crystal Pond Homeowner’s Association:
Construction, repair, maintenance, splitting or cutting of wood, mowing or other work involving noise shall not be conducted between the hours of 8 p.m. and 7 a.m on weekdays and between 8 p.m. and 8 a.m. on weekends. Excessive noise, music, parties or other activities which interfere with the comfort of other owners is prohibited.
Any and all hunting in any form is not permitted within boundaries of Crystal Pond.
2021 BOARD MEMBERSHIP- As per Article VII, Sec. 1- The board shall have no more than five (5) in number. Given sufficient proxy votes and votes at the 2021 Annual meeting the following actions occurred -ADDING 2 BOARD MEMBERS-Approved a proposal to amend Article VII Sec 1 of the by-laws to add (2) additional members to the CPHA Board to have (7) rather than (5) – A discussion as to why we are coming to this decision by the board members took place. As per legal counsel and our by-laws we had a 2/3 majority vote of those in attendance at this meeting for approval. As approved, the current elected board of directors will then take the necessary steps in appointing those additional members.